type E

Living an Enlightened Life

This course is designed specifically for TypeEs who are motivated self starters global and whole systems thinkers, highly creative and passionate people! It is constructed in such a way that both sides of the brain are invited to participate. Course information is given in written, audio and guidebook exercise formats. Each course Module provides a focus and framework for the information that is delivered to be explored and practiced with. There’s food for the left side of brain. You will be sent didactic, practical information on the care, feeding, physiology and psychology of operating a high performance TypeE life. From action plans and brainwave charts, to practical techniques on creating the ideal work teams and environment, this will satisfy the “need-to-know” part of your brain. Then there’s the right brain food. 

We’ll help you create intuitive, creative spaces for connecting your own personal dots of living an enlightened life. With relaxation and meditation exercises, journaling, and community building with other participants, your right brain will hit the mental and emotional sandbox ready to build some pretty wild playthings. Interactive Calls A powerful part of the course is what we call the “beyond the brain” section. It’s the time when you have an opportunity to bring everything you’ve experienced into an interactive call where we become students and teachers to one another as a peer group. There will be at least six 90 min. video calls scheduled over the duration of the course. You’ll have the inspiring experience of sharing and learning from new students as well as old-timers who’ve been around the TypeE block a few times. These interactive calls are an opportunity to discover what we’ve all learned, answer any questions, and mostly revel in the amazing and unlikely opportunities that seem to surface when a group like ours gathers together. You do not have to be present for the calls as they will be recorded, so you won’t miss anything, and you can still email in your questions. Calls can be attended via phone or over the internet and, you don’t have to be on video if you prefer not to! Call day and time will be chosen in order to include as many of the participant’s time zones as possible!