type E

Audios & Guidebook Contents

Topic Progress:

The TypeE individual thrives in an environment that is diverse, challenging, and continually evolving.”  

Audio Segments  

  • TypeE Introduction 
  • SpeedRelaxation 

the 7 Minute Miracle  

Click here to access Audio Segments  

The TypeE Personality Profile  

TypeEs are usually entrepreneurs, top executives, entertainers, artists, musicians, athletes, scientists and other innovators. Their eyes are on the future, their hands are in the present and their hearts are focused on infinity. While an estimated five to ten percent of the population fits the TypeE personality profile, only a small percentage of these have successfully harnessed their TypeE Personality. These amazing people have a passion for life and are able to forge new concepts, processes and innovative applications in a way few people can.  

We will begin by taking the TypeE Quiz, reviewing the TypeE Personality Profile and exploring what it has meant to you to be a TypeE in your life thus far. We’ll also learn about the unique physiology TypeEs share and get to try out our first Guided Visualization. 

Guidebook Contents 

  • The TypeE Personality Profile  
  • How to Identify a TypeE Personality  
  • The TypeE Quiz  
  • Quiz Results  
  • Three Categories of TypeEs – Mystics, Translators and Managers  
  • TypeE Behavioral Tendencies  
  • Integrative Questions, Exercises and Practice  
    • SpeedRelaxation Guided Visualization